Campus Due Process False Allegations Free Speech Press Release Title IX

Blockbuster Lawsuit Filed Against 15 Women’s Rights Organizations for Defamation


Contact: Lawrence DeMarco, LLM

Telephone: +1 215-901-1930


Blockbuster Lawsuit Filed Against 15 Women’s Rights Organizations for Defamation

WASHINGTON / May 31, 2024 —   Saifullah Khan, a former Yale University student who was acquitted of rape charges in 2018, has filed a defamation lawsuit against 15 prominent women’s rights organizations. (1) The lawsuit alleges that despite Khan’s acquittal in a court of law, the defendants falsely labeled him a “rapist” in a legal filing, causing severe damage to his reputation. (2)

Khan, an Afghan refugee who came to the United States as a child, was a full scholarship student at Yale University. In 2015, he was accused of sexual assault by a female classmate following a Halloween party. Following a highly publicized trial in 2018, the jury found Khan not guilty on all charges. (3)

Despite the acquittal, Yale University launched an internal disciplinary proceeding, found him responsible for sexual misconduct, and expelled him. Khan then sued Yale in 2019 for $110 million, claiming the university had denied him due process. (4)

Normally, accusers are granted immunity by courts when they testify in a legal proceeding. But in this case, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled last June that Yale’s disciplinary procedures lacked adequate due process protections to provide the accuser immunity for her testimony, allowing Khan’s accuser to be potentially held liable for defamation (5).

Two weeks ago, Khan expanded his legal battle, filing a new defamation suit against 15 women’s rights organizations, including the National Women’s Law Center, Legal Momentum, Jewish Women International, and others. (6) The complaint alleges these groups falsely characterized Khan as a “rapist” and made other defamatory statements in a legal filing, which caused him substantial reputational harm.

“I was acquitted in a court of law, yet trusted and powerful organizations continued to defame me,” stated Khan.  He further explained that he doesn’t have a national agenda, but just wants to clear his name. (1)

The defendants, with combined assets exceeding $200 million, have not yet publicly responded to the suit. However, the case is likely to raise important questions about the boundaries of protected speech versus defamation in the context of sexual misconduct allegations during school hearings.



52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End Weaponization of the Department of Education


Contact: Rebecca Hain
Telephone: 513-479-3335

52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education

WASHINGTON / May 16, 2024 – Members of the Title IX Network are releasing a letter [1] today calling for Speaker Mike Johnson to establish a House task force to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.  

On May 9, representatives from several organizations of the Title IX Network [2] held meetings with Congressional staffers of 18 Members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the meetings was to recommend the establishment of a Task Force of key House Members to confer on strategies to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.  
The American people are taking a stand concerning the Administration’s new Title IX regulation as evidenced by the growing number of state lawsuits. [3], [4], [5], [6]. Specifically,
  • Eight lawsuits from 22 states have been filed in federal courts to block the regulation. [7]
  • On Tuesday the eight lawsuit was filed by the Attorneys Generals from Kansas, Wyoming, Utah and Alaska [8]
  • Impressively, one of the lawsuits features 17 school districts in Louisiana as plaintiffs. [9]
  • Numerous states already have declared they will not follow the new policy, including AR, FL, LA, NE, OK, and SC. [10]
The Heritage Foundation’s proposal for the Department of Education in its Mandate for Leadership 2025 has a chapter (Chapter 11) on how to reform the Department of Education: [11]  
The Heritage Foundation proposal would:
  • Make Block grants for selected functions to the state
  • Transfer selected functions to the Department of the Treasury, Department of Justice, etc.
  • Discontinue the other functions
In response to the Biden administration’s Title IX regulation, SAVE has set up a Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan. We encourage you to sign the Candidate Pledge. [12] If interested, contact Bob Thompson at

52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education


Contact: Rebecca Hain
Telephone: 513-479-3335

52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education

WASHINGTON / May 16, 2024 – Members of the Title IX Network are releasing a letter [1] today calling for Speaker Mike Johnson to establish a House task force to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.  

On May 9, representatives from several organizations of the Title IX Network [2] held meetings with Congressional staffers of 18 Members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the meetings was to recommend the establishment of a Task Force of key House Members to confer on strategies to end the weaponization of the Department of Education. 

This opposition seen not only in the U.S. Congress, but the overall response from the American public has been highly negative. [3], [4],[5],[6] Specifically, 
  • Eight lawsuits from 22 states have been filed in federal courts to block the regulation. [7]
  • On Tuesday the eight lawsuit was filed by the Attorneys Generals from Kansas, Wyoming, Utah and Alaska [8]
  • Impressively, one of the lawsuits features 17 school districts in Louisiana as plaintiffs. [9]
  • Numerous states already have declared they will not follow the new policy, including AR, FL, LA, NE, OK, and SC. [10]

The Heritage Foundation’s proposal for the Department of Education in its Mandate for Leadership 2025 has a chapter (Chapter 11) on how to reform the Department of Education: [11]  

The Heritage Foundation proposal would: 
  • Make Block grants for selected functions to the states
  • Transfer selected functions to the Department of the Treasury, Department of Justice, etc.
  • Discontinue the other functions

In response to the Biden administration’s Title IX regulation, SAVE has set up a Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan. We encourage you to sign the Candidate Pledge. [12] If interested, contact Bob Thompson at

American’s will not allow the Department of Education to continue to weaponize its Congressional mandate for partisan or ideological purposes.








Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

Letter to House Speaker Johnson

May 16, 2024

RE: Establishment of a House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education

Speaker Mike Johnson

H-232, The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Johnson:

On April 19, the Department of Education released its new Title IX regulation that changes the definition of “sex.” This new policy will cause harmful, systemic effects on children, schools, families, and ultimately to our entire society.

Response to the new regulation has been extremely negative.[1],[2],[3], [4],

In particular:

  • Seven lawsuits from 22 states have been filed in federal courts to block the regulation. [5]
  • Impressively, one of the lawsuits features 17 school districts in Louisiana as plaintiffs. [6]
  • Numerous states already have declared they will not follow the new policy, including AR, FL, LA, NE, OK, and SC. [7]

The excesses of Title IX have become a bi-partisan concern. A recent poll of 1,600 registered voters revealed a majority of persons now support state laws that would require children to wait until age 18 before they can receive transgender treatments: Republicans: 73%, Democrats: 61%.[8]

On May 9, representatives from several member-organizations of the Title IX Network [9] held meetings with staffers of 18 Members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the meetings was to recommend the establishment of a Task Force of key House Members to confer on strategies to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.

During these meetings, we recommended that the Task Force consider these three broad options:

  1. Major appropriations reductions
  2. Major reorganization of the Department of Education
  3. Complete abolition of the Department of Education

Staffer response to this recommendation was uniformly and strongly positive.

During the meetings, we urged that the Task Force be established now, before the November elections.

We also highlighted that the House Appropriations Committee had succeeded in approving important budget reductions in its FY24 Labor-HHS-Education bill:

  • Section 244: Prohibits the implementation of Biden’s Executive Order on “Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.”
  • Section 311: Prohibits the Department of Education from implementing the proposed Title IX regulations that were issued in July 2022 and in April 2023.
  • Section 312: Protects religious liberty in schools.
  • Section 534: Prohibits the use of federal funds for hormone therapy or surgical treatment for “gender-affirming care.”
  • Section 535: Prohibits the implementation of any other “diversity, equity, inclusion office, program, or training.”

Although these cuts did not survive to the final approved version of the Labor-HHS-Education bill, they represent an important first step of the process of restoring accountability to the Department of Education.

You may be aware that the Heritage Foundation already has developed a roadmap for this process.[10] This document may be a good starting point for the Task Force’s deliberations.

Based on the positive responses during our May 9 meetings, the following member-organizations of the Title IX Network hereby request that you promptly establish a Task Force to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.

We look forward to working with you. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Bob Thompson at


National Groups (31)

SAVE (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments)

AFA Action

Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization

AMAC Action

American Association of Evangelicals

American Association of Senior Citizens

American Life & Liberty PAC

America Values

Awake Americans

Catholics Count

Center for Equal Opportunity

Center for Military Readiness

Conservatives of Faith

Eagle Forum

Global Strategic Alliance

Katartismos Global

Law Offices of Philip A. Byler

Less Government

Men and Women for a Representative Democracy in America

Mission America

National Association of Scholars

No Left Turn in Education

Palm Beach Freedom Institute

Project 21 Black Leadership Network

Radiance Foundation

60 Plus Association

Strategic Coalitions and Initiatives, LLC

Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

United Against Racism in Education

Women for Democracy in America


State Groups (21):

American Life & Liberty PAC, Virginia

Awake Illinois

Child Protection League Action

Eagle Forum of Alabama

Eagle Forum of Michigan

Independent Women’s Network, Bismarck Chapter

Louisiana Save Our Schools

Middle Resolution

Moms for Liberty Howard County, Maryland

Moms for Liberty Talbot County, Maryland

Ohio Value Voters

Parents on the Level

Protect Ohio Children Coalition

Roughrider Policy Center

Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity

Texas Eagle Forum

Texas Freedom Coalition

Utah Citizens for the Constitution

Utah Eagle Forum

Virginia Association of Scholars

Wisconsin Family Action


Cc: Virginia Foxx, Chairperson, Committee on Education and the Workforce

Cc: Other Republican Members of the House of Representatives












Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Legal Office for Civil Rights Press Release Sexual Harassment Title IX

‘Naked attempt to strong-arm our schools:’ Five Lawsuits Seek to Block Sweeping Title IX Rule


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


‘Naked attempt to strong-arm our schools:’ Five Lawsuits Seek to Block Sweeping Title IX Rule

WASHINGTON / May 6, 2024 – It’s not often that a new federal regulation triggers such revulsion that five lawsuits are filed within days of its release. On April 19 the Department of Education issued its long-awaited Title IX regulation, which redefines sex to include “gender identity” (1). Within 11 days, five complaints against the new policy had been filed in federal courts by the following groups:

  1. States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, and the Independent Women’s Law Center, Independent Women’s Network, Parents Defending Education, and Speech First (2)
  2. States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia (3)
  3. States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho (4)
  4. State of Texas (5)
  5. Rapides Parish (Louisiana) School Board (6)

All of the lawsuits contend the new regulation exceeds the Department of Education’s legal authority, and violates the Administrative Procedure Act because its provisions are arbitrary and capricious.

The lawsuit from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, the most comprehensive of the five, charges the new regulation not only promotes harmful gender transitioning among underage students, but also impairs free speech, parental rights, bathroom privacy, women’s sports, and due process for the falsely accused.

The lawsuit from the Attorneys General of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho charges the Title IX rule is a “naked attempt to strong-arm our schools into molding our children … in the government’s preferred image of how a child should think, act, and speak” (3) — an accusation that recalls the Communist Party’s earlier crusade to mold an obedient “New Soviet Man” (7).

The lawsuit from the Rapides Parish School Board documents the myriad policy changes that schools would be required to make. The complaint states defiantly, “The school board does not have and does not intend to adopt a policy mandating that staff or students use pronouns that reflect students’ perceived gender identity when doing so is inconsistent with a student’s sex.”

Indeed, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill commented, “This is all for a political agenda, ignoring significant safety concerns for young women students in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities across Louisiana and the entire country” (8).

The new – some would say, revolutionary – Title IX policy accords with the Marxist vision to bring about a “sexless” society. In the words of Shulamith Firestone, the end goal of feminist revolution must be the elimination of the “sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally…The tyranny of the biological family would be broken” (9).

In addition, the governors of Arkansas (10) and Nebraska (11) ordered their schools to ignore the new Title IX policy. The previous week, similar directives had been issued in Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina (12).

The new regulation will impose sweeping changes on our nation’s schools. Brett Sokolow, head of the Association for Title IX Administrators, predicts that “60-70% of what we have in place now will need to change in some way to comply with the new Rule” (13).

Which means dramatically increased budgets and institutional clout for the highly politicized Title IX offices across the nation.


Department of Justice Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Press Release

DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Stabbed Her Husband, Then Engaged in a Five-Year Cover-Up


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Stabbed Her Husband, Then Engaged in a Five-Year Cover-Up

WASHINGTON / May 2, 2024 – The Centers for Disease Control reports that more men than women are victims of domestic violence. Each year, 6.5 million men, compared to 5.7 million women, fall prey to intimate partner aggression (1).

Consistent with these findings, a new report reveals a high-level female official at the U.S. Department of Justice attacked her husband, evaded prosecution, and sought to remove the incident from the public record.

A recent Daily Signal exposé reveals the following (2):

  1. On July 4, 2006, Kristen Clarke attacked her husband, Reginald Avery, slicing his finger to the bone. Maryland police arrested Clarke that night. A criminal case against Clarke was initiated in the District Court of Maryland.
  2. On Oct. 17, 2006, a Maryland state attorney entered a request of “nolle prosequi,” effectively dismissing the charge without a trial.
  3. On January 10, 2008, Clarke obtained an “Order for Expungement of Police and Court Records” for the arrest, thereby obscuring the incident from the public record.
  4. On January 7, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden nominated Clarke to serve as the head of the Department of Justice’s high-profile Civil Rights Division.
  5. During her April 21 confirmation hearing, Sen. Tom Cotton asked nominee Clarke, “Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person?” Clarke dishonestly answered, “No.”

The weakening and dissolution of the nuclear family has long been a central objective of Marxist activists (3). Accordingly, feminists have created numerous domestic violence myths that are designed to divert attention from the reality of female-initiated violence (4).

For example, Gloria Steinem famously claimed that “Patriarchy requires violence, or the subliminal threat of violence, in order to maintain itself” (5). Such falsehoods have served to frighten women and vilify men, eventually undermining the institution of marriage.

Basic notions of fairness and justice have been compromised, as well. Even though a majority of abuse perpetrators are female, the Department of Justice reports that inexplicably, 81% of intimate partner violence arrestees are male (6).

Indeed, female-perpetrated violence is a hidden epidemic in our society (7). Last week, the media reported on a Kansas mother who cut off the head of her 6-year-old son (8). One week before that, an Arizona woman pled guilty to poisoning her husband by pouring bleach into his coffee (9).

SAVE urges lawmakers to undertake a thorough re-evaluation of the domestic violence laws within their jurisdiction, to assure these policies are based on principles of science and justice, not Marxist ideology. And chivalrous judges and law enforcement personnel need to stop giving female abusers a free pass.


  1. Tables 9 and 11.
  6. , Table 5.9.