Current Priorities

Sharing is caring!

SAVE’s mission is simple: Ensure that fairness and due process are restored and upheld in the campus environment. These are SAVE’s current priorities:

  1. Media: SAVE works to increase public awareness of the problem of campus Kangaroo Courts, relying on press releases, editorials, radio interviews, social media, text messaging, and more.
  2. Legislative and Advocacy: SAVE communicates with federal and state lawmakers to promote campus due process. SAVE also sponsors periodic CAMP (“Countering Abuse Misinformation Project“) campaigns.
  3. Litigation Support: SAVE has filed a number of Amicus briefs in support of the 2020 Title IX regulation. SAVE will continue to vigorously defend this civil rights policy.
  4. Title IX Equity Project: SAVE reviews university websites to assure sex-specific scholarships do not discriminate against male or female students, and to assess compliance with the new Title IX due process regulation.
  5. SAVE NetworkSAVE supports a broad range of groups working to bring an end to campus Kangaroo Courts:
    • Title IX Atttorneys
    • Accused Students
    • Faculty Members
    • Complainants
    • College Administrators