News and Commentary

2022 Policy

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The final Title IX regulation, issued on April 19, seeks to accomplish a sweeping transformation of America’s schools, families, and even the meaning of the Constitution:

1. Transform Our Schools: From Education to Indoctrination

  • Expanded definition of sex to include “gender identity:”
  • Sexualization of children:
    • Age-inappropriate sex education classes and library books
    • Drag Queen shows

2. Reshape the Family

3. Redefine the Constitution

  • Article 1, Section 1: Usurping the powers of Congress to exercise “All legislative Powers.”
  • First Amendment:
    • Compelled speech to conform to pronoun mandates
    • Expanded definition of sexual harassment infringes on free speech, resulting in more false allegations of “harassment.”
  • Fourteenth Amendment:
    • Removal of due process protections for falsely accused male students.


Numerous opinion polls reveal a strong majority of Americans opposes the Biden Gender Agenda. In response, the Title IX Network was established in August 2022 to coordinate the national opposition to the regulation. Currently, 232 organizations that work at the national, state, or local levels belong to the Network.

These organizations are listed below:

  1. SAVE: Department of Education Title IX Plan Subverts Fairness and the Quest for Truth
  2. Alliance Defending Freedom: Biden Admin’s Title IX Rule Threatens Safety, Equal Opportunities for Women
  3. American Association of Christian Schools (20):
    • Buckeye Christian School Organization
    • Christian Schools of Arizona
    • Christian Schools of Vermont
    • Delaware Association of Christian Schools
    • Golden State Association of Christian Schools
    • Illinois Association of Christian Schools
    • Indiana Association of Christian Schools
    • Maryland Association of Christian Schools
    • Michigan Association of Christian Schools
    • Mid-South Association of Christian Schools
    • Missouri Association of Christian Schools
    • New Mexico Association of Christian Schools
    • New York Association of Christian Schools
    • North Carolina Christian School Association
    • Northwest Association of Christian Schools
    • South Carolina Association of Christian Schools
    • Sunshine State Association of Christian Schools
    • Tennessee Association of Christian Schools
    • West Virginia Christian Education Association
    • Wisconsin Association of Christian Schools
  4. American Family Association: Biden Goal: Corrupt Kids and Override Parents
  5. American Principles Project: New Biden Admin Rule Guts Title IX Protections for Women and Girls
  6. Center for American Liberty
  7. Child and Parental Rights Campaign
  8. Concerned Women for America: Biden Has Just Erased You
  9. Defense of Freedom Institute: The Attack on Title IX
  10. Dr. James Dobson Family Institute: The Department of Education Seeks to Distort Title IX with Radical Gender Ideology
  11. Eagle Forum: Eagle Forum Represents Parents at Stop the Title IX Take-Over Rally
  12. Ethics and Public Policy Center: EPPC Scholars Meet with Federal Officials to Discuss Concerns Over Upcoming Title IX Rule
  13. Families Advocating for Campus Equality: Proposed Title IX Regulations Abandon Accused Students
  14. Family Policy Alliance: Biden Administration to Erase Women on 50th Anniversary of Title IX
  15. Family Research Council
  16. First Liberty Institute
  17. Focus on the Family: Help Protect School Children From Department of Education’s Title IX Rule
  18. Heritage Action: Stop Biden’s Title 9 Rule Change
  19. Heritage Foundation: Department of Education’s Intended Revision of Title IX Fails Regulatory and Civil Rights Analyses
  20. Independent Women’s Forum: Title IX Resource Center
  21. Mission America: Biden Goal: Corrupt Kids and Override Parents
  22.  Mountain States Legal Foundation: Biden’s Pernicious Proposed Title IX Rule Under Fire
  23. National Association of Scholars: Biden’s Proposed Title IX Rule Guts Campus Due Process and Imposes Gender Ideology
  24. National Faith Advisory Board
  25. New Civil Liberties Alliance: Biden Title IX Order
  26. Parents Defending Education: Response to U.S. Department of Education’s Proposed Changes to Title IX
  27. Title IX for All
  28. United Families International: Take Back Title IX
  29. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
  30. Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty
  31. Free Speech Organizations (4):
  32. Other National Groups (53): Advancing American Freedom; Alexander Hamilton Institute; American Association of Senior Citizens; ACRU Action;  American Council for Health Care; American Family Project; Americans for Limited Government; AMAC Action, American Values; Awake Americans; Be the People, Center for Equal Opportunity; Center for Military Readiness; Center for Urban Renewal and Education; Children First Foundation; Christian Legal Society,  Citizens for Renewing America; Claire Best & Associates; Coalition for a Fair Judiciary; ConservativeHQ; Conservative Political Action Conference; FAIR Energy Foundation; Fed Up PAC, Firebrand Moms; ForAmerica; International Council for Men and Boys, Learn to Protect Kids; Less Government; Life Line Counseling Center; Men and Women for a Representative Democracy; Moms for America; Moms for Liberty; National School Board Leadership Council; No Left Turn in Education; Palm Beach Freedom Institute, Parents Unite; Project 21 Black Leadership Network; Radiance Foundation; Recover America Action; Reaching America; RESTORE America’s MISSION; Rule of Law Committee; Save Our States; Strategic Coalitions & Initiatives, LLC; 60 Plus Association; Tea Party Nation; Tea Party Patriots Action, The Conservative Caucus; Thin Blue Line Caucus; Vietnamese American Conservative Alliance; Voices Against Trafficking; Washington Marketing Group; and Women for Democracy in America.
  33. State-Level Groups (91):
    • Alabama
      • Eagle Forum of Alabama
      • Alabama Policy Institute
    •  Arizona:
      • Restore Parental Rights in Education
      • 4Tucson
      • Center for Arizona Policy
      • Southwest Policy Group
      • Eagle Forum of Arizona
      • Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity
    • California:
      • Protect Our Kids
      • Californians for Equal Rights Foundation
      • Eagle Forum of California
      • California Association of Scholars
      • California Family Council
    • Colorado
      • Independent Women’s Network, Denver Chapter
    •  Connecticut:
      • Greenwich Patriots
    •  Delaware:
      • Caesar Rodney Institute
      • Delaware Family Policy Council
    • Florida:
      • Moms for Liberty, Flagler County
      • Moms for Liberty, Bay County
    •  Georgia:
      • Truth in Education
      • Eagle Forum of Georgia
      • Frontline Policy Action
      • Women in Action
      • Parents on the Level
    • Idaho:
      • Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Center for American Education
    • Illinois
      • Awake Illinois
      • Living & Driving While Black Foundation
    •  Louisiana:
      • Louisiana Family Forum
      • Louisiana Save Our Schools
    • Maine:
      • Christian Civic League of Maine
    • Maryland:
      • United Against Racism in Education
      • Moms for Liberty, Carroll County
      • Moms for Liberty, Montgomery County
      • Moms for Liberty, Baltimore County
      • Moms for Liberty, Howard County
      • Moms for Liberty, Cecil County
      • Moms for Liberty, Harford County
      • Moms for Liberty, Kent County
      • Moms for Liberty, Talbot County
    • Michigan
      • Eagle Forum of Michigan
      • Michigan For Shared Parenting
    • Minnesota
      • Child Protection League
      • Child Protection League Action
    • Nebraska
      • Nebraska Family Alliance
    • New Hampshire
      • Cornerstone Action of New Hampshire
    • New Jersey
      • Eagle Forum of New Jersey
    • New Mexico
      • New Mexico Family Action
    • New York
      • New Yorker’s Family Research Foundation
      • We the People USA PAC
    • North Dakota
      • Roughrider Policy Center
      • Independent Women’s Network, Bismarck Chapter
      • Be Truthful Institute
      • North Dakota Family Alliance
    • Ohio
      • Protect Ohio Children Coalition
      • Ohio Value Voters
      • Ohio Freedom Fighters
      • Center for Christian Virtue
      • Girls Deserve Privacy
    • Oklahoma
      • Eagle Forum of Oklahoma
      • Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
    • Oregon
      • Cascade Policy Institute
      • Oregonians for Liberty in Education
    • Rhode Island
      • Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity
    • South Carolina
      • Moms for Liberty, Richland County
    • Tennessee
      • Eagle Forum of Tennessee
      • AliYah Academy
      • Family Action Council of Tennessee
      • Moms for Liberty, Shelby County
    • Texas
      • American Civil Rights Project
      • Eagle Forum of Texas
      • Texas Values
      • Texas Freedom Coalition
      • Secure the Border
    • Utah
      • Utah Eagle Forum
      • Utah Citizens for the Constitution
      • Utah Freedom Coalition
      • Worldwide Organization of Women (WOW)
      • Family Development Action Utah
      • We Are the People
    • Virginia
      • Eagle Forum of Virginia
      • Middle Resolution Policy Network
      • Moms for Liberty, Campbell County
      • Moms for Liberty, York County
      • Moms for Liberty, Loudoun Couty
      • Army of Parents
      • American Life & Liberty PAC (ALL PAC)
    • Washington
      • Eagle Forum of Washington
      • Washington Initiative for Boys and Men
      • Family Policy Institute of Washington
    • Wisconsin
      • Wisconsin Family Action
  • Religious Groups (19): American Association of Evangelicals; America’s Black Robe Regiment; Association of Christian Schools International; Catholics Count; Christian Leadership Council; Coalition of African American Pastors; Coalition of Conservative Christian Colleges; Conservatives of Faith;; Global Strategic Alliance; Mordecai Mission: Institute on Religion and Democracy; Katartismos Global;; Salt & Light Council; Save the Persecuted Christians; Schindler’s Ark;  Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.; and Well Versed.
  • Title IX Attorney Alliance (15):
    • Agee, Owens & Cooper, LLC
    • Albeit Weiker, LLP
    • Binnall Law Group
    • Bucci Law
    • Friedman & Nemecek, LLC
    • Jackson Bone LLP
    • Jauregui Law Firm
    • Law Offices of Barry S. Jacobson
    • Law Offices of Scott J. Limmer
    • Law Offices of Philip A. Byler
    • Nesenoff & Miltenberg LLP
    • Rosenberg & Ball Co., LPA
    • Rupp Baase Pfalzgraf Cunningham LLC
    • Tin Fulton Walker & Owen
    • West, Webb, Allbritton & Gentry, P.C.


The “Stop the Title IX Take-Over” rally was held on August 11, 2022 in front of the Department of Education building in Washington, DC.

News Coverage and Editorials


The following persons spoke at the event:

  1. Ryan Bomberger, The Radiance Foundation
  2. Stuart Taylor, Princetonians for Free Speech
  3. Teresa Manning, National Association for Scholars
  4. Linda Chavez, Center for Equal Opportunity
  5. Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government
  6. Jenin Younes, New Civil Liberties Alliance
  7. Elizabeth Tew, Independent Women’s Forum
  8. Dee Bass Wilbon, Bass Public Affairs
  9. Sarah Parshall Perry, Heritage Foundation
  10. Maya Noronha, First Liberty Institute
  11. Mark Tooley, Institute on Religion and Democracy
  12. Jon Schweppe, American Principles Project
  13. Jim Martin, 60 Plus Association
  14. Tabitha Walter, Eagle Forum
  15. Cindi Castilla, Texas Eagle Forum
  16. Frank Nice, Parental rights advocate
  17. Edward Bartlett, SAVE