News and Commentary

Domestic Violence

Moment of Truth

SAVE is posting this document for purposes of historical preservation. SAVE does not necessarily endorse this statement, which was signed by 46 state domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Moment of Truth Posted on July 14, 2020 Written by Elise Buchbinder WCASA and End Abuse uphold the ‘Moment of Truth’ letter of acknowledgement and intention, created

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Moment of Truth

WCASA and End Abuse uphold the ‘Moment of Truth’ letter of acknowledgement and intention, created and affirmed by several coalitions across the country. This statement has been released on behalf of the signatories to several national partners.

As coalitions, we will use the letter as a catalyst for discussions within our membership; guidance for our policy initiatives and community building actions; and a blueprint for how we conceive of our work.

We will continue to have challenging discussions on white supremacy, our role in upholding it, our responsibility to dismantle it, while centering the survivors we serve and, most importantly, acting on what this necessitates.

The letter includes explicit support of reframing the idea of “public safety”, removing police from schools, decriminalizing survival, providing safe housing for everyone, and investing in care and not the police.

Many of us feel confused, unsure of the next steps, or are looking to develop a deeper understanding. We hope to move through these challenging discussions by thinking critically, together, so that we can work to affect real change.

As the letter states:

“The Coronavirus pandemic, unchecked and increased police violence, political and economic upheaval, and stay-at-home isolation have produced the “perfect storm.” We have a choice to make: run from the storm or into it. We choose to run into it and through it. We choose to come out the other side better, whole, loving, just, and more human. We have spent decades building our movement’s voice and power. How we use them now will define us in the years ahead. Let our actions show that we did not stand idly by. Let them show that we learned, changed, and will continue to demonstrate that Black Lives Matter is a centering practice for our work.”

Let’s keep moving forward, together, learning and in community.

This is a moment of reckoning.

The murder of George Floyd broke the collective heart of this country, and now, finally, millions of people are saying their names: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery – an endless list of Black Lives stolen at the hands and knees of police. The legacies of slavery and unfulfilled civil rights, colonialism and erasure, hatred and violence, have always been in full view. Turning away is no longer an option. Superficial reform is not enough.

We, the undersigned sexual assault and domestic violence state coalitions, call ourselves to account for the ways in which this movement, and particularly the white leadership within this movement, has repeatedly failed Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) survivors, leaders, organizations, and movements:

● We have failed to listen to Black feminist liberationists and other colleagues of color in the
movement who cautioned us against the consequences of choosing increased policing, prosecution, and imprisonment as the primary solution to gender-based violence.

● We have promoted false solutions of reforming systems that are designed to control people,
rather than real community-based solutions that support healing and liberation.

● We have invested significantly in the criminal legal system, despite knowing that the vast
majority of survivors choose not to engage with it and that those who do are often re-traumatized by it.

● We have held up calls for “victim safety” to justify imprisonment and ignored the fact that prisons hold some of the densest per-capita populations of trauma survivors in the world.

● We have ignored and dismissed transformative justice approaches to healing, accountability,
and repair, approaches created by BIPOC leaders and used successfully in BIPOC communities.

We acknowledge BIPOC’s historical trauma and lived experiences of violence and center those traumas
and experiences in our commitments to move forward. We affirm that BIPOC communities are not
homogeneous and that opinions on what is necessary now vary in both substance and degree.

This moment has long been coming.

We must be responsible for the ways in which our movement work directly contradicts our values. We espouse nonviolence, self-determination, freedom for all people and the right to bodily autonomy as we simultaneously contribute to a pro-arrest and oppressive system that is designed to isolate, control, and punish. We promote the idea of equity and freedom as we ignore and minimize the real risks faced by BIPOC survivors who interact with a policing system that threatens the safety of their families and their very existence. We seek to uproot the core drivers of gender-based violence that treat colonialism, white supremacy, racism, and transphobia as impossibly complex other forms of harm.

A better world is within reach.

It is being remembered and imagined in BIPOC communities around the world, and it is calling us to be a part of it. In this world:

● all human beings have inherent value, even when they cause harm;
● people have what they need – adequate and nutritious food, housing, quality education and
healthcare, meaningful work, and time with family and friends; and
● all sentient beings are connected, including Mother Earth.

It is time to transform not only “the state,” but ourselves.

Divestment and reallocation must be accompanied by rigorous commitment to and participation in the community solutions and supports that are being recommended by multiple organizations and platforms.

We are listening to and centering BIPOC-led groups, organizations, and communities. We join their vision of liberation and support the following:

● Reframe the idea of “public safety” – to promote and utilize emerging community-based practices that resist abuse and oppression and encourage safety, support, and accountability

● Remove police from schools – and support educational environments that are safe, equitable, and productive for all students

● Decriminalize survival – and address mandatory arrest, failure to protect, bail (fines and fees), and the criminalization of homelessness and street economies (sex work, drug trades, etc.)

● Provide safe housing for everyone – to increase affordable, quality housing, particularly for adult and youth survivors of violence, and in disenfranchised communities

● Invest in care, not cops – to shift the work, resourcing, and responsibility of care into local

The undersigned coalitions agree that the above actions are both aspirational and essential. While timing and strategy may differ across communities, states, and sovereign nations, we commit to supporting and partnering with BIPOC leaders and organizations. We commit to standing in solidarity with sovereignty, land and water protection, and human rights. And we say resoundingly and unequivocally: BLACK LIVES MATTER!

The Coronavirus pandemic, unchecked and increased police violence, political and economic upheaval, and stay-at-home isolation have produced the “perfect storm.” We have a choice to make: run from the storm or into it. We choose to run into it and through it. We choose to come out the other side better, whole, loving, just, and more human.

We have spent decades building our movement’s voice and power. How we use them now will define us in the years ahead. Let the record show that we did not stand idly by. Let it show that we learned, changed, and did all that we could to help make Black Lives Matter.

Affirmed by:

Alabama Coalition Against Rape

Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault

California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

CAWS North Dakota

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin

Florida Council Against Sexual Violence

Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault

Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence

Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Jane Doe Inc. (Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence)

Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc.

Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence

Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault

New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence

New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc.

New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault

North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence

North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence

Ohio Domestic Violence Network

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape

Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Violence Free Colorado

Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance

Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs

Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault
