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Public Opinion Polls Reveal Growing Public Opposition to Policies Driven by ‘Gender Agenda’

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Public Opinion Polls Reveal Growing Public Opposition to Policies Driven by ‘Gender Agenda’


February 12, 2024. Updated in February and June, 2024.

Fifteen national polls were conducted in 2022 and 2023 to gauge public opinion about a variety of Gender Agenda issues, including parental rights, women’s sports, classroom instruction, and gender transitioning among underage children and youth.

Two polls were conducted in January, 2024:

  • A poll of 1,600 registered voters revealed a majority of persons across the political spectrum now support state laws that would require children to wait until age 18 before they can receive transgender treatments: Republicans: 73%; Independents: 71%; and Democrats: 61%.
  • A NORC poll asked 1,624 adults to weigh in on whether trans athletes of both sexes should be permitted to participate in sports leagues that correspond to their preferred gender identity instead of their biological sex. Two-thirds of the respondents said it should be permitted “never” or “in rare cases.”

All of the polls were representative of the US population.

2022 Polls

May 31 – Survey: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Parents’ Rights

  • Topics addressed: Parental Rights
  • Sample size: 1.002 people
  • Name of poll sponsor:  Parental Rights Foundation and the Heart and Mind Strategies

June 2 – 50th Anniversary of Title IX, June 2022 – Majority of Americans and Sports Fans Think Title IX Has Been A Net Positive

  • Topics addressed: Title IX and Women’s Sports
  • Sample size: 1,121 National Adults
  • Name of poll sponsor: Marist Center for Sports Communication – Marist National Poll

June 6 — 63% of Americans Oppose Expanding Definition of Sex to Include ‘Gender Identity’

  • Topics addressed: Definition of Sex, Women’s Sports, Parental Consent, Parental Opt-Out
  • Sample size: 2,566 adults
  • Name of poll sponsor – SAVE

June 16 – Poll Says 30% of Americans Believe Transgender Women Should Play Female Sports

  • Topics addressed: Women’s Sports
  • Sample size: 1,503 people
  • Name of poll sponsor – Washington Post and University of Maryland

June 28 – Americans’ Complex Views on Gender Identity and Transgender Issues

  • Topics addressed: Gender Transition, Parental Rights
  • Sample size: 10,188 U.S. adults
  • Name of poll sponsor: Pew Research Center Survey

June 29 – Americans are deeply divided on transgender rights, a poll shows

  • Topics addressed: Women’s Sports/Gender Transitioning
  • Sample size:1,028 Adults 18+
  • Name of poll sponsor: NPR-Ipsos Poll

July 27 – Parents Defending Education Poll: 62% of voters think gender identity activists “going too far”

  • Topics addressed: Gender Identity, Women’s Sports
  • Sample size: 1,010 adults
  • Name of poll sponsor: Parents Defending Education

September 15: How Americans view policy proposals on transgender and gender identity issues, and where such policies exist

  • Topics addressed: Women’s Sports, Gender Transition
  • Sample size: 10,188 adults
  • Name of poll sponsor: Pew Research Center

2023 Polls

January 18 – Transgender Issues in Schools and States: New Poll Shows How Americans Feel

  • Topics addressed: Gender Transitioning/Gender Identity, Issue taught in public schools
  • Sample size: 1,828 people
  • Name of poll sponsor: Deseret News/HarrisX poll

March 6 – Poll: Nearly 80 Percent Say Women’s Sports Harmed by Allowing Transgender Competitors

  • Topics addressed: Women’s Sports
  • Sample size: 1,000 likely voters
  • Name of poll sponsor: Summit Ministries in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates

March 21 – Poll Says 30% of Americans Believe Transgender Women Should Play Female Sports

  • Topics addressed: Parental Rights, Gender Transitioning
  • Sample size: 1,600 registered voters
  • Name of poll sponsor: CRC Research and Parents Defending Education

May 3 – Scripps News poll: Americans largely support restricting trans rights

  • Topics addressed: Parental Rights, Women’s Sports and Gender Transitioning
  • Sample size: 1,000 adults
  • Name of poll sponsor: Scripps News/YouGov poll

May 5 – Majority of Americans believe gender determined at birth, against biological males in women’s sports: Poll

June 12 – More Say Birth Gender Should Dictate Sports Participation

  • Topics addressed: Transgender Sports
  • Sample size: 1,011 adults
  • Name of poll sponsor: Gallup Poll