News and Commentary

Title IX Equity Project

OCR Has Now Reached Favorable Resolutions in 10 Cases

SAVE September 11, 2019 The Office for Civil Rights publishes a listing of all resolutions issued since October 1, 2013. The OCR has concluded Title IX investigations affirming complaints by male students at the following institutions, which are listed in alphabetical order: Clemson University, Clemson, SC (2019) (sex-specific programs) Initial Complaint Dismissal Letter Jeremiah Poff: Clemson opens

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The Office for Civil Rights publishes a listing of all resolutions issued since October 1, 2013. The OCR has concluded Title IX investigations affirming complaints by male students at the following institutions, which are listed in alphabetical order:

  1. Clemson University,  Clemson, SC (2019) (sex-specific programs)
  2. Jefferson Community and Technical College, Louisville, KY (2015) (disparate treatment)
  3. Jonesboro Community Consolidated School District 43, Jonesboro, IL (2015) (sexual harassment)
  4. Pasco County District School Board, Land O’Lakes, FL (2017) (disparate treatment)
  5. Seattle University, Seattle, WA (2015) (sex-specific programs)
  6. Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV (2014)
  7. Temple University, PA (2014) (athletics)
  8. Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (2018) (sex-specific programs)
  9. Wesley College, Dover, DE (due process)
  10. Yonkers Public Schools, Yonkers, NY (2016) (harassment)
